cristina boner leo - Uma visão geral

Movies are different. You don’t (and shouldn’t) generally see black actors in white roles for the same reason you don’t see movie actors pretending to butter toast or drive a car or hopping on non-existent trains. Movies are generally expected to be realistic, and it’s rather disorienting when they aren’t.

One of the amusing things about Progs is the way they assume everyone else has to be even dimmer than they are, so they can throw anything out there without being called on it. Writing Tiny Duck content for his purpose of being amusing is one thing, but writing it un-ironically is sad.

So there is something empowering about merely calling Naomi Osaka Japanese, whether it be in headlines or advertisements. And it’s a correct assertion: she is Japanese. Her biraciality does not make her less so.

The problem with casting obviously black women in roles where they are supposed to be able to pass as white is that the movie makes no sense:

OK, Negga wasn’t bad, but casting her deprived a white ingenue of training. The age of the great English Dames is over.

Meghan Markle looked white to me when she first showed up. But she’s seen as black, so okay — she’s black.

Jackson’s music got boring quickly which is why his follow up albums were decent selling but artistic bombs. Not only wasn’t Jackson an equal of the Beatles he wasn’t even an equal of Stevie Wonder.

Your original comment upthread said that Negga played Ophelia, and: “Plus it had a mixed race Laertes & Ophelia.” Since you had already referred to Negga playing Ophelia, this confused me. Did you mean that there was another female part that was played by a mixed-race actress?

Much of the current out-swelling of racist hatred for whites is due to the fact we allow and even encourage blacks to hate us and to express that hatred.

I grew up watching old Hollywood films with my dad and listening to him opine on which actresses were beautiful and why–beautiful as opposed to sexy.

> … here are some of the official metrics for calculating percent of target needed by the aspirant to officially be classified as part of a more favored group…

If Mr. McElroy does turn out to be black, this is further support for the Sailer Rule for mass shootings. Also, no doubt Mr. McElroy and the dead and injured are all victims of white supremacy or the lack of “common sense gun control” or more likely both.

I can foresee a time when English theater is cem% black. Whites are simply being exterminated from the English stage.

That’s good, but a surer and easier way is simply to answer this question: Click Here May a white person touch your hair?

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